

Q&Aでわかる在留資格   日本で長期滞在するには・・・

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”Q&Aでわかる在留資格”では・・・・FAQ of Visa's information by residential status

 In order to come to Japan from a country other than Japan and live in Japan, you have to do procedures according to certain rules for gaining visas.

 However, it is difficult to understand the procedure on visa application, renewal, change of status, spouse of Japanese nationals and Permanent Resident, Long- term Resident treatment etc.

 On this site is compiled for aiming to give some hints for foreign nationals who understand Japanese and personnel staff who in charge, based on the experience when Yasuyuki Shimizu was working at the Tokyo Immigration Bureau Foreign Resident General Information Center.

 And we also suggest you check related further details information on the website of Immigration Bureau of Japan.
The Immigration Bureau website supports English, Chinese, Korean, Spanish and Portuguese.


 Visa information can be obtained in various ways. In this site, our administrator, Yasuyuki Shimizu, focuses on the most frequently asked questions based on his experience working at the Tokyo Regional Immigration Bureau's General Information Center for Foreign Residents. This manual is useful for those in charge of personnel affairs who frequently hire foreign nationals. We hope you will find it useful.

 本サイトの制作にあたっては公益財団法人入管協会の「 外国人受け入れ実務者のための入管手続Q&A」を参考にしました。御礼申し上げます。
 In making this site, we referred to "Immigration Procedures for Foreign Nationals for Immigration Practitioners Q & A" issued by Japan Immigration Association.


 本サイトの情報は2019年5月現在の情報となっています。 最新の情報は関連するサイトでご確認をお願いします。

 The information contained this website is as of May 2019. Please check back with the relevant sites for the most up-to-date information.


 2025年2月1日 御朱印ブーム (その7) を追加しました